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YouTube Marketing & Advertising Agency

At G & Co., we stand as the premier choice for YouTube marketing and advertising, celebrated for our unparalleled expertise and a rich history of delivering remarkable ROI through insightful, data-driven strategies paired with creative brilliance. Let's elevate your brand's YouTube stature together, as your success mirrors our commitment to excellence in this digital domain.

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G & Co. has over 7+ years of experience working with Adobe Experience Cloud, helping clients to implement, integrate and optimize the platform to drive business results.
G & Co. has a team of more than 25 employees who are certified experts across the Adobe platform.
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YouTube Marketing & Advertising Agency Services

G & Co. unfolds a wide spectrum of services tailored for YouTube marketing and advertising. Our bespoke strategies span content enhancement, razor-sharp audience targeting, and insightful data analysis. We fine-tune ad expenditures, boost brand prominence, and maximize ROI, ensuring our partners achieve their ambitions and witness a notable uplift in business performance on YouTube.

Audience Research

Unlock the potential of YouTube’s vast audience with G & Co.’s audience research. Our meticulous, data-centric approach carves out the precise audience segments ensuring your advertising strikes the right chord. Witness superior engagement and effortlessly broaden your brand's horizon with the insights only we can provide.

Content Strategy Development

Exemplify excellence with G & Co.’s content strategy development. Our seasoned maestros sculpt compelling, data-guided strategies that resonate with your brand’s core and the unique rhythm of YouTube. Amplify your content's resonance, fuel robust engagement, and fast-track your brand's digital journey seamlessly with us by your side.

Channel Optimization

Ascend to new pinnacles of success on YouTube with G & Co.’s channel optimization services. Our skilled brigade meticulously fine-tunes your channel’s layout, metadata, and visual allure, crafting a cohesive, captivating viewer journey. With our strategic acumen, soar in channel visibility, subscriber loyalty, and overall performance, propelling your brand into a brighter spotlight in the digital amphitheater.

YouTube Community Management

Cultivate a lively, engaged community on YouTube with G & Co.'s community management services. Our devoted crew nurtures positive discourse, timely responses to comments, and kindles a loyal viewer base. Revel in a burgeoning digital community that magnifies your brand's narrative and catalyzes enduring engagement.

Copyright Management

Traverse the intricate terrain of YouTube copyright effortlessly with G & Co.’s copyright management services. Our proficient custodians handle copyright claims, disputes, and ensure unerring content compliance. Shield your creative endeavors and uphold a dignified, uninterrupted digital stature with our encompassing copyright solutions.

Audience Targeting

Unleash the magic of precise audience targeting with G & Co. Our refined, data-driven techniques pinpoint and captivate your core audience on YouTube. By harmonizing your advertising endeavors with the right viewers, we escalate conversion rates, bolstering your ROI and fortifying your brand's digital imprint.
Learn how Nike expertly curated its direct-to-consumer strategy through a meticulously refined digital experience.
Learn how Marriott Bonvoy successfully reimagined the travel experience by embracing a digital platform-driven approach.
Learn how Psycho Bunny reimagined their design for an optimized shopping experience.
Read how Burberry revolutionized the luxury fashion landscape with a groundbreaking digital transformation in commerce.

Our Impact as a YouTube Marketing & Advertising Agency

G & Co. empowers you to traverse critical hurdles in the ever-evolving sphere of YouTube marketing and advertising. Our data-fueled strategies coupled with creative prowess pave the way for your brand amidst the intricacies of the platform, ensuring your message shines through in the bustling digital milieu. By honing content, pinpointing the right audience, and adhering to regulatory norms, we gear you up to not just compete, but excel in the digital epoch, bestowing a sustainable and distinct competitive advantage in the YouTube ecosystem.

Enhanced Brand Visibility

At G & Co., we craft targeted content and advertising blueprints that propel your brand's visibility on YouTube. Aligning content with audience predilections and harnessing data-informed insights, we ascertain your brand arrests the gaze of the intended audience, carving a notable and enduring stance on the platform.

Audience Engagement and Loyalty

Our meticulous community stewardship and content paradigms at G & Co. brew profound audience engagement and allegiance. We orchestrate meaningful discourse, heed feedback, and concoct content that strikes a chord, cultivating an engrossed and loyal viewership that staunchly backs and champions our patrons.

Increased Conversion Rates

Employing precise audience targeting and persuasive content, we at G & Co. markedly amp up conversion rates. Optimizing every interaction, we shepherd prospects through the sales conduit with enthralling calls to action, leading to elevated conversion rates and a palpable ascendancy on your bottom line.

Cost-Efficient Advertising

Specializing in cost-efficient advertising on YouTube, G & Co.'s acumen in campaign refinement and budget allotment ensures each advertising dime is deployed effectively. This prudence trims ad expenditure and augments returns, rendering your advertising ventures more cost-effective.

Competitive Advantage

Keeping a step ahead in the digital terrain is crucial. At G & Co., we undertake exhaustive competitive scrutiny, empowering you to secure a strategic vantage. By decrypting industry currents and adversaries' maneuvers, we position you to latch onto opportunities and sustain a competitive edge.

Compliance and Reputation Management

Preserving your reputation through meticulous compliance and reputation governance is a forte of G & Co. We ascertain that content aligns with regulatory benchmarks and ethical tenets, shielding brands from potential quagmires and conserving their credibility in the audience’s perception.


"G & Co. is a dynamic, resourceful, and engaging team that can dive in, collaborate across teams, and deliver actionable insights. I would recommend them for any company that requires strategic thinking and leadership."

"Upon reviewing multiple alternatives, our selection fell on G & Co., - a choice that has been absolutely precise from the very start. This collaboration has brought forth immense value and positivity for Nike, making it an exceptionally gratifying endeavor."

"G & Co.'s team exemplifies strategic expertise and fearless innovation. Their commitment to solving complex problems is commendable."

"G & Co. is a blend of passion, collaboration, and unmatched digital expertise, always exceeding our business expectations."

Aaron Bellack
Manager, Marketplace Operations
Saks Fifth Avenue
Alexandra Reed
Director, Digital Marketing EMEA
Akio Tanaka
Senior Director, Digital Transformation
Patricia Miller
Senior Director, Customer Experience
Enterprise Airline

Our Expertise as a YouTube Marketing & Advertising Agency

G & Co. boasts an unrivaled level of expertise in the YouTube domain, honed through years of earnest experience and an undying zeal for innovation. This profound knowledge bestows upon our clients an insightful understanding of the YouTube terrain, encompassing the shifting algorithmic subtleties and nascent trends. These distinct insights enable us to weave strategies that not only stay abreast of industry advancements but also fuel sustainable growth, positioning our clientele as torchbearers in this vibrant digital sphere.

YouTube-Centric Expertise

Standing as a trailblazer in the industry, G & Co. is entrenched in YouTube-centric expertise. Our profound grasp of the platform's algorithms, trends, and audience behaviors equips us to mold strategies that resonate, assuring our clients' triumph within the YouTube ecosystem.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Here at G & Co, data is our guiding star. We delve into performance metrics with precision to steer campaigns towards victory. Our data-centric methodology shapes content strategies, ad targeting, and optimization, ensuring every move amplifies impact and ROI.

Compliance and Risk Management

At G & Co., championing client brand protection through robust compliance and risk management is paramount. We uphold noble standards and adeptly traverse regulatory mazes, shielding clients from prospective pitfalls and preserving their repute in a digital epoch laden with uncertainties.

Proven ROI and Results

Our legacy resonates loudly. G & Co. unfailingly yields remarkable ROI and outcomes for our clients. Our initiatives fuel enhanced brand visibility, engagement, conversions, and revenue growth, affirming our stance as a global frontrunner in YouTube marketing and advertising.

Holistic Approach

G & Co. scrutinizes the YouTube landscape in its entirety. Spanning content genesis to audience engagement, every aspect is honed to perfection. This encompassing approach guarantees a fluid and effective brand persona across the platform, resonating with audiences and eclipsing competitors.

Custom Analytics and Reporting

Adapting analytics and reporting to each client's distinct ambitions is pivotal to our service ethos. We furnish granular insights and pragmatic suggestions, empowering our clients with the acumen requisite to make enlightened decisions and incessantly refine their YouTube strategies.
53% increase in online campaign-driven conversion rate for Prime membership
102+ million people reached after implementation of user experience design
162% increase in online direct-to-consumer conversion
38% Uplift in brand eCommerce redesign impacting customer retention
Robust strategy delivered to meet $10 billion revenue goal by 2027
Mobile app design created from start to finish in 2-month timeline
23 million impressions generated to bolster customer retention and loyalty
Redesign accomplished in 3 months.
478% increase in campaign reach with new market targeting
100+ delivers & consumers benchmarked across the United States for a 3-month survey
Full-scale, responsive UX/UI design for desktop, mobile, and tablet created in 2 months
1 million downloads of the Toyota app for convenient, vehicle management
1 million downloads of the Toyota app for convenient, vehicle management
Full-scale, responsive UX/UI design for desktop, mobile, and tablet created in 2 months
100+ delivers & consumers benchmarked across the United States for a 3-month survey
478% increase in campaign reach with new market targeting
Redesign accomplished in 3 months.
23 million impressions generated to bolster customer retention and loyalty
Mobile app design created from start to finish in 2-month timeline
Robust strategy delivered to meet $10 billion revenue goal by 2027
38% Uplift in brand eCommerce redesign impacting customer retention
162% increase in online direct-to-consumer conversion
102+ million people reached after implementation of user experience design
53% increase in online campaign-driven conversion rate for Prime membership


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Global Leadership

We’re 100+ individuals from across the world driven by innovation and diverse perspectives. We craft your brands innovations for the world of tomorrow.
Adrian Garnica
As the President of G & Co., Adrian is a visionary leader responsible for driving growth, managing teams, and fostering client relationships. With a proven track record at McKinsey and R/GA, Adrian has successfully developed and executed strategic visions, led consultant teams, secured major clients such as Nike, Google, and Louis Vuitton, and ensured top-quality project delivery. Adrian's expertise lies in scaling, operations, and client-agency collaboration.
Kevin Sonof
VP, Strategy
Kevin serves G & Co. as VP of Strategy, bringing an accomplished strategist perspective for driving growth, delivering high-quality consulting projects, and cultivating client relationships. With expertise in market research, cross-functional collaboration, and staying abreast of industry trends, Kevin has successfully worked with renowned brands such as AT&T, Verizon, Google, Facebook, and Coca-Cola.
Jimena Robles
Head of Marketing & Experience
As the Head of Marketing & Experience at G & Co. Jimena employs her skill of spearheading enterprise creative strategies and roadmaps. She previously oversaw client engagements at Edelman and Essence.
Juan Manuel Gonzalez
Chief Executive Officer
As the CEO of G & Co., Juan is a visionary leader driving the company's strategic direction and growth. With expertise in executive leadership, business development, and relationship management, Juan has successfully developed and executed business plans, expanded the firm's market presence, and worked with renowned brands such as Saks Fifth Avenue, Levi’s, and Coca-Cola while taking the company to a worldwide presence and expanding to more than fifty employees. He has been recognized by the CFDA, ANA, Wall Street Journal, and Inc.
Estella Mahone
Chief Financial Officer
Estella is a seasoned financial leader responsible for developing strategies, ensuring compliance, and optimizing financial stability. With expertise in financial planning, analysis, and risk management, Estella collaborates cross-functionally to drive strategic decision-making and enabling client missions.
Francisco Chung
VP, Digital
Francisco is a dynamic leader driving business growth through digital innovation. With a proven track record of developing and executing digital strategies, Francisco leads teams, identifies opportunities, and delivers tailored solutions for clients. With a rich background working with brands like Apple, Sony, and General Electric, he brings extensive expertise in driving growth, optimizing operations, and fostering strong collaboration with clients. His achievements have been recognized during his tenure as Creative Technical Director at Isobar, frog, and Material.
Jeff MacBride
VP, Project Management
Jeff excels in developing and implementing effective project management strategies. With a strong track record in leading teams and collaborating cross-functionally, Jeff ensures successful project delivery, client satisfaction, and continuous improvement. Having served renowned clients and brands, Jeff's expertise in scaling operations and fostering a collaborative culture is backed by achievements at Lockheed Martin and as an adjunct professor in project management.
Shaelyn Ventrano
Senior Project Coordinator
As our Senior Project Coordinator, Shaelyn's expertise lies in coordinating project activities and ensuring seamless execution. With a background as a Cryptologic Linguist and Division Lead in the US Navy, Shaelyn brings exceptional organizational and communication skills to the team to help monitor project progress, facilitate collaboration, and maintain meticulous documentation. Clients value Shaelyn's proactive approach, timely updates, and attentive service. Her dedication to process improvement and sharing best practices showcases her commitment to excellence in project management.
Jacob Wright
VP, Growth
Jacob helps G & Co. in his capacity to drive market expansion and revenue growth through strategic initiatives. With a strong business development track record in working with renowned brands like Nespresso, MGM Resorts, Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, and Unilever, Jacob develops comprehensive growth plans, leveraging industry best practices, analyzing key performance indicators to identifiy areas for improvement and fosters a culture of collaboration and achievement. Prior experience at leading agencies includes roles as an Account Manager, Strategist, and Director of Strategy.
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