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Direct to Consumer


G & Co.


Digital Design • Digital Strategy • Direction • eCommerce • UI/UX
Apostrophe is a revolutionary skincare prescription brand helping people around the world connect with dermatologists and get the right treatments easier than ever before. As a direct-to-consumer (DTC) company, Apostrophe’s mission is to help people find the best skincare treatment based on their skin as guided by science, not trends. We contributed to Apostrophe’s mission by developing their online platform’s user interface and user experience (UX and UI).

Goodbye, Trends. Hello, Science

The biggest step in bypassing skincare misinformation and connecting users to expert dermatology specialists was to create a platform in which the two could interact directly. 

That meant creating a place where users could find expert advice and have science-backed products tailored to their needs. 

The Doctor-Patient Relationship Moves Online

Knowing that every person’s skin is different, it wouldn’t do Apostrophe justice to merely show all of their products for consumers to pick and purchase on their site. With an established mission to help consumers find the right products for them, the first move towards healthier skin was to help users set up an appointment to get personalized treatment and make sure they were getting the best, most affordable prescription thanks to its DTC approach through a simple web design interface.

Next, every user’s experience with their online visit needed to be as smooth as possible, with visitors prompted to answer medical questions and send pictures for Apostrophe’s network of dermatology specialists to report an accurate diagnosis. This is key to the business model; no other skincare brand could compare with Apostrophe’s experience strategy built to provide a customized recommendation with an inexpensive subscription basis.

A Real Move Toward Healthier Skin

Covering all bases in an online appointment and eCommerce platform brought people one step closer to real progress in starting a healthier skincare routine. Transparency across all fronts, from its consultation, to its ingredients, and results is what makes Apostrophe the best source for skincare treatment today.

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