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Retail Marketing Strategy Agency & Consulting Firm

G & Co. is a retail marketing strategy agency and consulting firm, known for helping retail enterprises with digital transformation solutions. G & Co. has a proven track record with Fortune 500 companies helping retail businesses with market growth, our expertise helps clients to find out in an evolving consumer market, optimize engagement, and drive leading market growth, solidifying our leadership in the industry.

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G & Co. has over 7+ years of experience working with Adobe Experience Cloud, helping clients to implement, integrate and optimize the platform to drive business results.
G & Co. has a team of more than 25 employees who are certified experts across the Adobe platform.
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Retail Marketing Strategy Agency & Consulting Firm Services

At G & Co., our ability to deliver results for our clients as a leading retail marketing strategy agency and consulting firm lies in our capacity to deliver measurable business KPIs. We provide our partners with data-driven consumer insights, omnichannel optimization, and innovative brand positioning. Through our proven strategy and framework, we’re able to help provide strategic roadmaps that help ensure market growth for our retail client partners and enhance customer retention and acquisition.


G & Co.'s activation expertise helps brands, turning insights into data-driven action. We help launch engaging campaigns that resonate through a multi-channel approach, helping ensure we obtain the attention of our clients’ target customers with personalized experiences.

Product Launches

At G & Co., product launches are indeed precise initiatives. The approach we like to take ensures we are aware of current market conditions and growing trends, and take pride in deeply understanding consumer sentiment to enable company and customer connections that resonate for a lifetime.

Marketing Collateral

Marketing collateral, elevated by G & Co., becomes a narrative symphony. We craft materials that articulate brand essence and drive engagement. Our meticulous design, coupled with strategic content, forges cohesive brand stories that inspire action and enrich customer perceptions.

Retail Marketing & Advertising

As a retail marketing agency, G & Co.'s advertising prowess delivers more than messages; it orchestrates experiences. Our data-fueled insights guide creative that transcends noise, resonating deeply with audiences. With unwavering focus on ROI, we transform advertising into a strategic investment that propels brands forward.

Competitive Discovery

Competitive discovery at G & Co. is a compass for success. We unearth market white spaces, dissect rivals' strategies, and synthesize insights to inform our clients' path forward. Armed with this intelligence, our clients seize opportunities and outpace competition, positioning for market leadership.

Customer Segmentation

G & Co.'s customer segmentation unveils market galaxies within. Our data scientists decode behaviors and preferences, crafting precise segments. Through this lens, we facilitate tailored experiences that resonate, forging deeper connections that drive loyalty and bolster market share.

Brand Positioning

At G & Co., brand positioning is a strategic masterpiece. We distill essence into resonant stories, carving a distinct niche amidst clutter. Leveraging market insights and creative brilliance, we fortify brands' relevance, enabling lasting impact and emotional resonance.

Customer Loyalty and Retention

G & Co. transforms customer loyalty into an enduring asset. Our strategies blend emotional resonance with data precision, creating loyal advocates. Through personalized journeys, targeted rewards, and omni-channel excellence, we fortify bonds, inspiring sustained engagement and advocacy.
Learn how Nike expertly curated its direct-to-consumer strategy through a meticulously refined digital experience.
Learn how Marriott Bonvoy successfully reimagined the travel experience by embracing a digital platform-driven approach.
Learn how Psycho Bunny reimagined their design for an optimized shopping experience.
Read how Burberry revolutionized the luxury fashion landscape with a groundbreaking digital transformation in commerce.

Our Impact as an Retail Marketing Strategy Agency & Consulting Firm

In an evolving retail landscape, G & Co. stands as a beacon of strategic acumen. By dissecting complex challenges, from omni-channel integration to market white space identification, we navigate clients toward transformative solutions. Our data-driven precision empowers clients to decode consumer behaviors and personalize experiences, while our agility ensures adaptability in dynamic markets. With a proven track record, we fortify brands' positions and foster customer loyalty, consistently enhancing competitive edge and market prominence.

Market Segmentation Refinement

G & Co. orchestrates precise market segmentation refinements that unlock latent opportunities. By analyzing granular consumer data, we unveil distinct segments, enabling tailored strategies that address unique needs. This strategic alignment maximizes engagement and drives brand affinity, translating into a competitive edge and sustainable growth.

Customer Journey Optimization

G & Co. enhances customer journeys into seamless odysseys. Our meticulous mapping and optimization foster frictionless interactions at every touchpoint. By aligning messaging and experiences, we elevate satisfaction, minimize churn, and amplify advocacy—nurturing long-term relationships that empower brands to stand apart.

Omnichannel Integration

In an interconnected marketplace, G & Co. excels at omnichannel fusion. Our strategies seamlessly weave online and offline experiences, harmonizing messaging and engagements. This synergy deepens customer immersion, catalyzes conversions, and capitalizes on the full spectrum of interactions, amplifying brands' resonance and market presence.

Competitive Analysis and Differentiation

G & Co. drives differentiation by deciphering competition. Our meticulous analysis unveils rival strategies, highlighting whitespace opportunities. Armed with these insights, we forge innovative value propositions and distinctive narratives. This competitive edge galvanizes market traction, enhancing brands' prominence and fostering enduring differentiation.

Data-Driven Decision Making

G & Co.'s data prowess guides decisions with precision. We infuse data into every facet, offering predictive insights and real-time analytics. By transforming information into actionable strategies, we optimize resource allocation, messaging resonance, and customer engagement. This intelligent decision-making enhances agility, responsiveness, and ultimately, bottom-line results.

Sustainability and Ethical Positioning

G & Co. integrates sustainability seamlessly, nurturing ethical brand resonance. By aligning strategies with environmental and social values, we not only attract conscious consumers but also future-proof brands. Our solutions empower clients to lead responsibly, cultivating lasting loyalty and differentiating themselves in a conscientious marketplace.


"G & Co. is a dynamic, resourceful, and engaging team that can dive in, collaborate across teams, and deliver actionable insights. I would recommend them for any company that requires strategic thinking and leadership."

"Upon reviewing multiple alternatives, our selection fell on G & Co., - a choice that has been absolutely precise from the very start. This collaboration has brought forth immense value and positivity for Nike, making it an exceptionally gratifying endeavor."

"G & Co.'s team exemplifies strategic expertise and fearless innovation. Their commitment to solving complex problems is commendable."

"G & Co. is a blend of passion, collaboration, and unmatched digital expertise, always exceeding our business expectations."

Aaron Bellack
Manager, Marketplace Operations
Saks Fifth Avenue
Alexandra Reed
Director, Digital Marketing EMEA
Akio Tanaka
Senior Director, Digital Transformation
Patricia Miller
Senior Director, Customer Experience
Enterprise Airline

Our Expertise as an Retail Marketing Strategy Agency & Consulting Firm

G & Co. distinguishes itself as a nexus of retail marketing strategy expertise. Our deep-rooted industry knowledge, cultivated through a spectrum of projects, equips us with an unparalleled understanding of sector dynamics. This fluency empowers us to decode intricate challenges, leverage emerging trends, and craft bespoke solutions that resonate. Through years of immersion, we have forged an unmatched ability to navigate the nuanced landscape, transforming insights into transformative strategies that fuel our clients' enduring success.

Data-Driven Precision

G & Co.'s retail expertise hinges on data-driven finesse. Our analytics proficiency empowers precise customer insights, guiding strategic decisions that resonate across the market landscape. This precision ensures our clients’ strategies align impeccably with evolving consumer behaviors.

Holistic Omnichannel Mastery

At G & Co., we fuse digital and physical seamlessly. Our omnichannel mastery transcends platforms, crafting unified brand narratives that captivate modern consumers. This holistic approach ensures each interaction echoes a cohesive brand identity, amplifying engagement and brand loyalty.

Innovation Leadership

Innovation is our hallmark, catapulting clients to the vanguard of industry progress. G & Co.'s visionary strategies and technology integration empower brands to lead trends, positioning them as pioneers in the retail marketing strategy landscape, continuously raising the bar for competition.

Strategic Agility

G & Co.'s agility is a cornerstone of our approach. We adeptly navigate the volatile terrain of retail, adjusting strategies in real-time to leverage market shifts. This strategic dexterity allows our clients to pivot swiftly, capitalizing on emerging opportunities and maintaining a resilient edge.

Global Footprint, Local Expertise

G & Co. synthesizes global insights with local acumen. Our strategic recommendations bear a universal perspective while considering region-specific nuances. This dual focus empowers clients to make informed decisions that resonate with diverse markets, fostering brand affinity worldwide.

Global Trend Synthesis

G & Co.'s acumen lies in translating global trends into actionable strategies. We distill macroeconomic shifts and societal movements into tactical approaches. This synthesis allows clients to foresee shifts, capitalizing on emerging trends for lasting market prominence.
53% increase in online campaign-driven conversion rate for Prime membership
102+ million people reached after implementation of user experience design
162% increase in online direct-to-consumer conversion
38% Uplift in brand eCommerce redesign impacting customer retention
Robust strategy delivered to meet $10 billion revenue goal by 2027
Mobile app design created from start to finish in 2-month timeline
23 million impressions generated to bolster customer retention and loyalty
Redesign accomplished in 3 months.
478% increase in campaign reach with new market targeting
100+ delivers & consumers benchmarked across the United States for a 3-month survey
Full-scale, responsive UX/UI design for desktop, mobile, and tablet created in 2 months
1 million downloads of the Toyota app for convenient, vehicle management
1 million downloads of the Toyota app for convenient, vehicle management
Full-scale, responsive UX/UI design for desktop, mobile, and tablet created in 2 months
100+ delivers & consumers benchmarked across the United States for a 3-month survey
478% increase in campaign reach with new market targeting
Redesign accomplished in 3 months.
23 million impressions generated to bolster customer retention and loyalty
Mobile app design created from start to finish in 2-month timeline
Robust strategy delivered to meet $10 billion revenue goal by 2027
38% Uplift in brand eCommerce redesign impacting customer retention
162% increase in online direct-to-consumer conversion
102+ million people reached after implementation of user experience design
53% increase in online campaign-driven conversion rate for Prime membership


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How can a specialized retail marketing agency and consulting firm elevate our brand's presence in a competitive marketplace, and what unique value do they bring to drive our business growth?

A specialized retail marketing agency and consulting firm leverages its expertise to elevate brand presence in a competitive marketplace. Through meticulous analysis of market trends, consumer behaviors, and competitive landscapes, these entities formulate tailored strategies that position the brand for success. Their adept comprehension of consumer preferences and industry dynamics enables them to identify unique value propositions resonating with target audiences. This nuanced approach, combined with data-driven insights, empowers brands to establish a distinctive niche, catalyzing sustainable business growth.

In what ways does partnering with a retail marketing strategy agency contribute to optimizing our customer journey and enhancing overall customer experiences, resulting in improved loyalty and retention rates?

Collaboration with a retail marketing strategy agency unlocks potential for optimizing the customer journey and elevating customer experiences. Drawing upon profound knowledge of consumer psychology and behavior, these entities orchestrate seamless interactions across touchpoints. By crafting cohesive narratives resonating throughout the customer journey, they amplify engagement, driving heightened loyalty and retention rates. Focusing on a holistic customer experience augments brand advocacy and fosters enduring connections with customers.

Could you elaborate on the strategies that a retail marketing agency employs to ensure seamless omnichannel integration, aligning our online and offline efforts for a unified brand message and enhanced customer engagement?

A retail marketing agency excels in seamless omnichannel integration. Their prowess in aligning online and offline efforts fosters a unified brand message deeply resonating with consumers. By harnessing insights into consumer preferences and behavior across channels, these entities optimize the omnichannel experience. This strategic synchronization enhances customer engagement as each interaction reinforces the brand's identity, striking chords with consumers.

How does a proficient retail marketing strategy agency leverage data-driven insights to refine our customer segmentation and tailor our marketing initiatives, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and increased market share?

A proficient retail marketing strategy agency harnesses data-driven insights to refine customer segmentation and customize marketing initiatives effectively. Through meticulous analysis of customer data, they pinpoint distinct segments, devising personalized approaches tailored to their needs and preferences. This precision ensures marketing efforts remain pertinent, leading to elevated conversion rates and augmented market share. By tapping into the potential of data, these entities yield tangible results, imparting a competitive edge.

What expertise does a dedicated retail marketing strategy agency bring to the table when it comes to analyzing our competitors and differentiating our brand, positioning us strategically for long-term success in a dynamic industry landscape?

The dedicated expertise of a retail marketing strategy agency becomes palpable when dissecting competitors and differentiating brands. Drawing on profound knowledge of industry trends and competitor strategies, these entities identify whitespace opportunities, formulating strategies setting brands apart. Their insights enable brands to refine messaging, positioning, and value proposition, steering long-term success within a rapidly evolving industry landscape. This strategic differentiation not only effectively positions brands but also establishes their leadership within the industry.

Can you shed light on the ways in which a retail marketing agency harnesses innovative technologies and trends to drive innovation within our marketing approaches, enabling us to stay ahead of industry shifts and consumer expectations?

A retail marketing agency showcases its adeptness by effectively leveraging cutting-edge technologies and emerging trends to revolutionize marketing approaches. This enables enterprises to proactively adapt to dynamic industry shifts and evolving consumer expectations. This transformational approach empowers businesses to gain a competitive edge, positioning them as frontrunners in the field.

How does a reputable retail marketing agency's strategic agility positively influence our enterprise, helping us navigate market uncertainties and capitalize on emerging opportunities for sustained growth?

The strategic agility of a respected retail marketing agency plays a pivotal role in guiding enterprises through uncertain market terrains while seizing emerging opportunities for sustained growth. Drawing on their wealth of experience, these agencies swiftly adapt strategies, ensuring businesses navigate complexities skillfully and capitalize on avenues for expansion.

What insights can a seasoned retail marketing agency offer about effective data-driven decision-making, guiding our investment in marketing efforts that yield optimal returns and align with our business objectives?

A seasoned retail marketing agency brings invaluable insights into effective data-driven decision-making. They provide a strategic framework that aligns marketing investments with optimal returns and broader business objectives. Rooted in meticulous analysis of consumer behaviors and market trends, this approach guides enterprises to make informed choices that amplify brand resonance and profitability.

How might a retail marketing agency's expertise in sustainability and ethical positioning align with our brand values, resonating with socially-conscious consumers and fostering a positive brand image?

A retail marketing agency's expertise in sustainability and ethical positioning harmonizes seamlessly with brand values, resonating deeply with conscientious consumers. Through strategic integration of eco-conscious practices and ethical narratives, these agencies enhance brand image, fostering a positive association with values aligning with today's socially-aware consumers.

In terms of a global presence and local expertise, how can a proficient retail marketing strategy agency help us tailor our strategies to resonate effectively with diverse markets, ensuring our brand maintains relevance on a global scale?

With a global presence coupled with local expertise, a proficient retail advertising agency customizes strategies to effectively resonate across diverse markets, ensuring brand relevance on a global scale. By synthesizing cross-cultural insights and consumer preferences, these agencies enable enterprises to deliver messaging that transcends geographical boundaries, establishing enduring brand resonance across the world.

What role does a retail marketing strategy agency play in synthesizing global trends into actionable strategies, and how can their foresight enable us to proactively address emerging shifts in consumer behaviors and market demands?

A retail marketing strategy agency assumes a pivotal role in decoding global trends and transforming them into actionable strategies. Their profound foresight empowers enterprises to anticipate and proactively respond to emerging shifts in consumer behaviors and market demands, ensuring adaptive strategies that resonate with evolving preferences and industry dynamics.

Can you provide insights into how a top-tier retail marketing strategy agency collaborates cross-functionally within our enterprise, optimizing alignment between marketing, sales, and other departments to achieve cohesive business objectives?

A top-tier retail marketing strategy agency excels in cross-functional collaboration within an enterprise. Their orchestration optimizes alignment between marketing, sales, and other departments, unifying efforts towards cohesive business objectives. This synergy enhances customer experiences, streamlines operations, and fosters an integrated approach that amplifies brand impact and accelerates growth.

How can a specialized retail advertising agency enhance our brand's visibility and engagement in a competitive marketplace, effectively utilizing data-driven insights to optimize our advertising campaigns and drive business growth?

A specialized retail advertising agency elevates brand visibility and engagement within a competitive marketplace. By leveraging data-driven insights, they refine advertising campaigns for optimal resonance. This precision optimizes engagement with target audiences, driving business growth and establishing a significant competitive edge.

In what ways does partnering with a retail digital marketing agency elevate our digital presence, ensuring comprehensive online strategies for product launches and customer engagement, leading to enhanced brand loyalty and measurable ROI?

Collaboration with a retail digital marketing agency amplifies digital presence, delivering comprehensive online strategies for product launches and customer engagement. This multifaceted approach cultivates enhanced brand loyalty and measurable ROI, as brands capitalize on a dynamic digital landscape to connect deeply with consumers.

How does a renowned retail digital marketing consulting firm leverage cutting-edge technologies to curate dynamic marketing collateral, ensuring our brand stands out amidst competition and resonates with our target audience across digital platforms?

A renowned retail digital marketing consulting firm employs cutting-edge technologies to curate dynamic marketing collateral, positioning brands uniquely amidst competition. Their expertise ensures that brand messaging resonates across digital platforms, captivating the target audience and fostering a distinct brand identity that stands out in a crowded digital marketplace.

Can you elaborate on the strategies that a trusted retail market intelligence agency employs for competitive discovery, helping us gain a strategic edge through comprehensive insights and innovative positioning strategies?

A trusted retail market intelligence agency employs multifaceted strategies for competitive discovery, propelling businesses forward with comprehensive insights and innovative positioning approaches. Through exhaustive analysis of market dynamics, consumer behaviors, and emerging trends, they reveal strategic opportunities. This, coupled with their prowess in crafting compelling narratives, positions brands uniquely, driving lasting market prominence.

How can a specialized retail market intelligence consulting firm assist us in deciphering consumer behaviors and refining customer segmentation, enabling tailored marketing initiatives and fostering lasting customer relationships?

A specialized retail market intelligence consulting firm excels in decoding consumer behaviors and refining customer segmentation. Leveraging intricate data analysis, they unlock valuable insights that enable tailored marketing initiatives. This precision cultivates enduring customer relationships as brands address unique needs, ensuring resonance and loyalty.

What role does a reputable retail marketing agency play in crafting impactful brand positioning strategies that resonate with our target audience and differentiate us in a crowded market, ultimately driving market share growth?

In crafting impactful brand positioning strategies, a reputable retail marketing agency assumes a pivotal role. Drawing on market intelligence, consumer insights, and innovative storytelling, they resonate with the target audience, creating differentiation within a crowded landscape. This, in turn, fosters market share growth, propelling the brand to the forefront of industry consciousness.

Could you provide insights into how a proven retail marketing consulting firm optimizes customer loyalty and retention strategies, leveraging data-driven decision-making and customer journey optimization for lasting business success?

A proven retail marketing consulting firm optimizes customer loyalty and retention strategies through data-driven decision-making and customer journey optimization. By analyzing consumer touchpoints and behaviors, they tailor experiences that resonate deeply, enhancing loyalty. This meticulous approach, bolstered by strategic insights, establishes the foundation for lasting business success.

How does a respected retail marketing intelligence agency synthesize global trends and local expertise to guide our brand's activation initiatives, positioning us as an industry leader with innovative product launches and impactful advertising campaigns?

A respected retail marketing intelligence agency achieves a harmonious fusion of global trends and local expertise, guiding brands' activation initiatives. Through a synthesis of macroeconomic shifts and cultural nuances, they engineer strategies that position brands as industry leaders. This dynamic approach culminates in innovative product launches and impactful advertising campaigns, establishing brands as trailblazers in their sector.

In terms of competitive differentiation, how does a trusted retail marketing strategy agency utilize data-driven precision to identify whitespace opportunities and drive effective marketing collateral creation, resonating with diverse consumer segments?

When it comes to competitive differentiation, a trusted retail marketing strategy agency employs data-driven precision to uncover whitespace opportunities, igniting competitive distinctiveness. Through an intricate analysis of consumer behaviors and market trends, they unveil strategic gaps that allow the brand to shine. This insight shapes the creation of effective marketing collateral, connecting with diverse consumer segments through tailored messages, forging enduring relationships.

What strategies can a reliable retail marketing strategy consulting firm employ to seamlessly integrate our advertising efforts across various channels, achieving holistic omnichannel mastery for optimal brand resonance and engagement?

Strategies that a reliable retail marketing strategy consulting firm can implement involve seamlessly integrating advertising endeavors across multiple channels, attaining holistic omnichannel expertise. Their skillful orchestration harmonizes messaging and engagement cohesively, ensuring brand resonance and involvement, regardless of the interaction point. This synchronized approach enriches customer experiences, intensifying the brand's influence and achieving optimal outcomes.

How can a renowned retail media agency elevate our advertising strategies through data-driven decision-making, ensuring that our advertising campaigns align with our brand positioning and resonate with our target audience?

A renowned retail media agency enhances advertising strategies through data-driven decision-making, assuring alignment with brand positioning. By tapping into consumer insights and market trends, they craft campaigns that resonate profoundly with the intended audience. This strategic synchronization not only cultivates brand affinity but also guarantees that campaigns make a lasting impact.

Could you shed light on how a distinguished retail primary research agency's insights can support our competitive discovery efforts, driving informed customer segmentation and fostering customer loyalty through personalized marketing strategies?

Insights from a distinguished retail primary research agency are pivotal in supporting competitive discovery efforts. Through exhaustive consumer research, they unveil nuanced behaviors and preferences that inform strategic decisions. This precision guides informed customer segmentation, empowering personalized marketing strategies that resonate with diverse consumer segments, fostering lasting customer loyalty.

How does a specialized retail advertising agency utilize their industry insights to create advertising campaigns that effectively communicate our brand's unique value proposition, positioning us as a compelling choice in the eyes of our target customers?

A specialized retail advertising agency capitalizes on its industry insights to create advertising campaigns that resonate with our target customers, conveying our brand's unique value proposition compellingly. By analyzing market dynamics and consumer behaviors, they position us as an appealing choice, driving engagement and loyalty.

What methodologies does a retail advertising agency employ to identify emerging trends and changing consumer behaviors, allowing them to proactively adjust our advertising strategies to maintain relevance and capitalize on shifting market demands?

Employing meticulous data analysis, a retail advertising agency identifies emerging trends and changing consumer behaviors, enabling proactive adjustments to our strategies. This agility maintains relevance and capitalizes on evolving market demands, ensuring a competitive edge.

What role does a retail advertising agency play in optimizing advertising budgets, ensuring that our resources are allocated efficiently across various channels to achieve maximum reach and engagement with our intended audience?

The role of a retail advertising agency includes optimizing budgets and allocating resources efficiently across channels for maximum reach and engagement. Their data-driven approach enhances the impact of our advertising efforts.

In what ways can a retail advertising agency's experience in handling crisis communications and reputation management help us navigate potential challenges and mitigate risks that could impact our brand's image and customer trust?

A retail advertising agency's expertise in crisis communications and reputation management equips us to navigate challenges and preserve our brand's image and customer trust. Their strategic guidance and swift responses mitigate risks, safeguarding our brand equity.

How might a specialized retail advertising agency leverage their network of industry connections and media partnerships to secure advantageous placements and collaborations that amplify our brand's visibility and market reach?

By leveraging a robust network of industry connections and media partnerships, a specialized retail advertising agency secures advantageous placements and collaborations, amplifying our brand's visibility. This strategic use of connections accelerates our market reach and fosters enhanced brand recognition.

How does a retail advertising agency's ability to segment and target specific customer demographics with precision contributes to higher engagement rates and ultimately drive conversion for our products and services?

A retail advertising agency's precision in segmenting and targeting customer demographics fosters higher engagement rates and enhances conversion for our offerings. Tailoring messages to specific demographics creates connections that deeply resonate with consumers, elevating campaign effectiveness.

What methodologies does a retail advertising agency employ to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns, allowing us to gather actionable data and insights to continually refine our strategies and achieve optimal outcomes?

Through sophisticated analytics, a retail advertising agency gauges campaign impact to gather actionable insights. This data-driven approach enables ongoing strategy refinement, ensuring optimal outcomes and informed decision-making.

How does a retail advertising agency's expertise in understanding and capitalizing on seasonal trends and shopping behaviors empower us to design timely and impactful campaigns that resonate with our audience and enhance sales during key periods?

The retail advertising agency's expertise in understanding seasonal trends and shopping behaviors empowers us to craft timely campaigns that align with audience preferences, enhancing sales during key periods. Their strategic timing and resonant messaging capitalize on market dynamics, maximizing impact.

Global Leadership

We’re 100+ individuals from across the world driven by innovation and diverse perspectives. We craft your brands innovations for the world of tomorrow.
Adrian Garnica
As the President of G & Co., Adrian is a visionary leader responsible for driving growth, managing teams, and fostering client relationships. With a proven track record at McKinsey and R/GA, Adrian has successfully developed and executed strategic visions, led consultant teams, secured major clients such as Nike, Google, and Louis Vuitton, and ensured top-quality project delivery. Adrian's expertise lies in scaling, operations, and client-agency collaboration.
Kevin Sonof
VP, Strategy
Kevin serves G & Co. as VP of Strategy, bringing an accomplished strategist perspective for driving growth, delivering high-quality consulting projects, and cultivating client relationships. With expertise in market research, cross-functional collaboration, and staying abreast of industry trends, Kevin has successfully worked with renowned brands such as AT&T, Verizon, Google, Facebook, and Coca-Cola.
Jimena Robles
Head of Marketing & Experience
As the Head of Marketing & Experience at G & Co. Jimena employs her skill of spearheading enterprise creative strategies and roadmaps. She previously oversaw client engagements at Edelman and Essence.
Juan Manuel Gonzalez
Chief Executive Officer
As the CEO of G & Co., Juan is a visionary leader driving the company's strategic direction and growth. With expertise in executive leadership, business development, and relationship management, Juan has successfully developed and executed business plans, expanded the firm's market presence, and worked with renowned brands such as Saks Fifth Avenue, Levi’s, and Coca-Cola while taking the company to a worldwide presence and expanding to more than fifty employees. He has been recognized by the CFDA, ANA, Wall Street Journal, and Inc.
Estella Mahone
Chief Financial Officer
Estella is a seasoned financial leader responsible for developing strategies, ensuring compliance, and optimizing financial stability. With expertise in financial planning, analysis, and risk management, Estella collaborates cross-functionally to drive strategic decision-making and enabling client missions.
Francisco Chung
VP, Digital
Francisco is a dynamic leader driving business growth through digital innovation. With a proven track record of developing and executing digital strategies, Francisco leads teams, identifies opportunities, and delivers tailored solutions for clients. With a rich background working with brands like Apple, Sony, and General Electric, he brings extensive expertise in driving growth, optimizing operations, and fostering strong collaboration with clients. His achievements have been recognized during his tenure as Creative Technical Director at Isobar, frog, and Material.
Jeff MacBride
VP, Project Management
Jeff excels in developing and implementing effective project management strategies. With a strong track record in leading teams and collaborating cross-functionally, Jeff ensures successful project delivery, client satisfaction, and continuous improvement. Having served renowned clients and brands, Jeff's expertise in scaling operations and fostering a collaborative culture is backed by achievements at Lockheed Martin and as an adjunct professor in project management.
Shaelyn Ventrano
Senior Project Coordinator
As our Senior Project Coordinator, Shaelyn's expertise lies in coordinating project activities and ensuring seamless execution. With a background as a Cryptologic Linguist and Division Lead in the US Navy, Shaelyn brings exceptional organizational and communication skills to the team to help monitor project progress, facilitate collaboration, and maintain meticulous documentation. Clients value Shaelyn's proactive approach, timely updates, and attentive service. Her dedication to process improvement and sharing best practices showcases her commitment to excellence in project management.
Jacob Wright
VP, Growth
Jacob helps G & Co. in his capacity to drive market expansion and revenue growth through strategic initiatives. With a strong business development track record in working with renowned brands like Nespresso, MGM Resorts, Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, and Unilever, Jacob develops comprehensive growth plans, leveraging industry best practices, analyzing key performance indicators to identifiy areas for improvement and fosters a culture of collaboration and achievement. Prior experience at leading agencies includes roles as an Account Manager, Strategist, and Director of Strategy.
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